How College Students are becoming Entrepreneurs in the Pandemic

February 4, 2021

College students have also found themselves unemployed from the Coronavirus Pandemic. They were sent home from school to attend classes virtually and many of them lost their internships or part-time jobs that they needed desperately to help pay for school. They too had to look for new ways to generate income without leaving their homes.  Students have also needed to get creative in finding a way to make some money.  They discovered new hobbies and re-ignited old ones.

The first step is to figure out what your skills are and then brainstorm ideas from there.  It is as simple as using Google search and ask yourself what are you most passionate about?

If you find yourself getting stuck, then look at some basic side jobs for college students that can help you during this troubled time.

1. Dog walking
2. Start a blog or vlog (video blog)
3. Test new apps and websites
4. Virtual Assistant
5. Online Tutor
6. Freelance Work
7. Nanny or babysitting

See what you like the best and what makes you the most money.  Then go with it!  I hope you found this to be helpful. Where there is a will there is a way. Let me know if I can be of any assistance.  I would love to hear from you.

Margherita C. Amplo
President, MCA Consultants

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