Why Content Marketing Works

November 11, 2020

According to SEMrush, over 91% of businesses use content marketing. Content marketing is a type of marketing that involves the creation and sharing of online material, from videos, blogs, and social media posts that does not explicitly promote a brand but is intended to stimulate interest in its products or services. There are many different types of content marking that include written content, such as blog posts, whitepapers, eBooks, and articles.  Content can also be images and infographics, or video and audio. Marketing through content is cost-effective.  Small businesses and even the largest organizations find a way for content marketing in their organization.  It is flexible to work in all situations no matter what your company goal.  There are many benefits to content marketing.  

The 2020 pandemic has increased the emphasis on doing business online. Content marketing is used to attract customers online. According to the Content Marketing Institute Report marketing budgets have been affected. One third of respondents anticipated increasing B2B content marketing and content creation spending as a result.

There are many benefits to content marketing:

  • SEO boosts visibility of your content. The result is that more people find your website or products in Google
  • Buyers use search engine content to research purchases. Having a powerful SEO strategy can increase the number of prospects and your conversion rate.
  • Creating enough SEO-optimized content can be a challenge. SEO content must include well-researched keywords
  • Email Marketing and Blog Stats. Blog content creation is essential for marketer. One of the most popular types of content is the blog post. Blogs and articles can be very useful resources for establishing thought leadership.
  • Lead Generation and Content Marketing. Examples of lead generating content include case studies, interactive content that draws B2B buyers in, resources such as white papers, and even blogs. This is how B2B marketers gather leads. Creating quality content for B2B audiences can help in lead generation.
  • Podcast and Video Content Marketing.  According to Wyzowl's Video Marketing Statistics 2020 report, 87% of those surveyed said video marketing has increased traffic to their websites, and 81% of respondents said video marketing increases the time visitors spend on the page.

It is important that your organization has some budget set aside for content marketing.  We are experts in helping you accelerate your business.  We have the knowledge and expertise in content marketing to take the burden off of you so you can focus on other areas of your business.  We would love to learn more about your organization and how we can get you to your goals.  

Margherita C. Amplo
President, MCA Consultants
Email:  Margherita@mcacs.us
Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/margheritacamploconsulting/

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